The Uncertainty
of a Professional Snow Shoveler
Sometimes you
work during the day, sometimes at night,
Sometimes you
work a lot of hours, sometimes only a few,
Sometimes you
wake up to find more snow than predicted, sometimes less,
Sometimes you
even wake up to find no snow,
Sometimes you
can to push the snow, sometimes you need to scoop it,
Sometimes it’s
light and fluffy; sometimes it’s wet cement,
Sometimes it’s
nice and warm; sometimes it’s brutally cold,
Sometimes it’s
still snowing while you work; sometimes it’s sleeting or raining,
Sometimes the
shovel just breaks,
Sometimes you
are dressed just right, sometimes you are not, thank god for layers,
Sometimes you
need to do a lot of extra shoveling, because that someone left cars in the
Sometimes the
next day is full of a lot of hurt, sometimes it’s not,
Sometimes you
hit a mailbox and it breaks,
you watch the forecast and see all the snow is going to New England, and you say
but what about us, sometimes you say, please god, not us,
you have something else to do, but instead, you now need to shovel,
Sometimes the
dog comes out to play with you, sometimes it comes out to bark at you,
Sometimes your
fellow shoveler talks too much, sometimes nothing at all,
Sometimes you
eat all you food before lunchtime,
Sometimes people
flag you down because they too need a shoveler, sometimes you show up to find
the shoveling has already been done,
Sometimes you
slip on the ice, ouch,
Sometimes you
feel like you are the only person outside,
Sometimes it’s
eerily quiet, sometimes the wind howls loudly,
Sometimes the
moon is very bright, sometimes it’s pitch black darkness,
the township plow guy piles all the snow at the entrance to the driveway, that’s
a bummer or worse yet, plows all the snow along the city sidewalk that still needs
to be shoveled,
Sometimes it’s
just a great few hours of exercise, and a sense of accomplishment, sometimes
you say that’s it, no more shoveling for me,
you can’t wait for the next storm, sometimes spring just can’t come soon enough.